Thursday, May 11, 2006

Off to Sports Class Nationals

Tim is off to Sports Class Nationals in Mifflin County, Pennsylvania (the Appalachians, for those of you from other parts of the world.) However, the forecast I just received from our contest Grenouille (i.e. weather man) Richard Kellerman was:

"It's obviously the case that we would rather not be starting the contest under the pervasive influence of a monster cutoff low, but the same model (GFSX) which predicts, probably correctly, miserable conditions for the next several days also promises better tings to come. For what it's worth, here's what I see for the period May 12 - 25:
Saturday 12 - Wednesday 17: Not likely to be soarable
Thursday 18: West winds at about 15 kts and cu at 6,000 ft msl
Friday 19: Not likely to be soarable
Saturday 20 West winds at about 18 kts, cu at 6,000 ft msl
Sunday 21 NW winds 15 kts, cu at 5,000 ft msl
Monday 22: Winds lvrbl. with cu at 6 ,000 ft msl
Tuesday 22: Marginal
Wednesday 24: Strong ridge, weak thermals
Thursday: Marginal"

Now I don't know about you, but when I hear a forecast, I don't want to hear "persistent cutoff low" but it seems like every contest we attend has one of these hanging around. Examples: Mifflin 2003, Sports Nationals 2003, Norway 2004, First Grand Prix 2005. I mean, really! Anyone who knows an effective anti-rain dance, please go ahead and do it now.
More later,

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