Thursday, June 28, 2012

Day 5 Complete

Another windy day, but we managed to get a contest day in today. The task was a Turn Area Task, 4 hour minimum: Mt. Carmel Junction, Wayne's Wonderland, White Pine Peak, and Bald Hills. A few pilots decide

The winds at launch time were in the 15-20 range, gusting higher at times. Lots of blowing dust. This was one of those days where you would apply lip balm and immediately find it Caked in the talc-like brown dirt. Yum! Since it was bright and sunny, you could easily play the favorite game "Dirt or sunburn?" with your crew friends while waiting to be released from the far end of runway 22.

It was certainly a challenging launch environment, but pilots who found lift off tow, were up and away. There was a beautiful cloud field stretching from the Grand Canyon all the way they wal past Wayne's Wonderland. A large fire cropped up south of Cedar City, and smoke was increasing as we settled in to the campground at the airport this evening. Overall, pilots seemed to say this was a hard day, but fun, and beautiful.

I checked out the dinosaur footprints I have been meaning to see since 2005. Lots of fun for us, too! Looked like therapods - something three-toed, anyway. I have learned from watching Dinosaur Train that therapods had three toed feet, lots of teeth for eating meat, great big tail for balancing well and therapods have a great sense of smell.

Two more days to go. Perhaps I am losing it?
More soon,

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